Jesse Eisenberg talks about his ‘unconventional’ Lex Luther in Batman vs Superman

batman-v-superman-lex-luthor-jesse-eisenberg3During the New York premiere of Batman V. Superman, he said “I didn’t grow up reading comic books.” Though he is quick to point out, “but when I read the script, I thought they very clearly put these iconic characters into the real world so for people like me who didn’t grow up reading it [comics] you don’t need that background, [but] it’s still very exciting.” Eisenberg adds that it’s the originality and authenticity of this version of Lex Luther that led him to take on the role.

“In the comic books, [he] can appear campy or silly or just scary or something, but what Chris Terrio, the writer of this script, did so wonderfully is to try to create a person who is psychologically authentic, somebody who is actually troubled, someone who is actually suffering, somebody who is insecure and rageful, and all these things that you are not used to seeing in a villain.”

Eisenberg also confesses it was not easy to portray the character this way. “You know he’s charming, and also terrifying, eccentric and very smart. He is almost all these very interesting, and almost in conflict, characteristics that I [had] to bring together,” he says. Still, Eisenberg seems to fundamentally grasp what motivates this real world Luther by explaining, “In the movie my character looks at the destruction that Superman causes and thinks that this guy should not be able to roam free. My character thinks of Superman as a nuclear weapon on the loose and he needs to be destroyed.” He even admits his character’s cordial relationship to the Cape Crusader.

“We [Batman and I] have a common enemy [Superman]…so I try to enlist Batman to help me destroy Superman. So in a way, Batman and I are allies. Not friends, but allies.”

As to why he likes being a villain, Eisenberg says, “I like being able to do things in a safe context that in real life would get me locked up.” Jokingly he adds, “You know like punch Ben Affleck or torture Henry Cavill. These are wonderful people who should not be hurt, but in the safe context of a movie in our role it was very interesting.”

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new upcoming Predator film details inside….

Shane Black, who co-starred as Hawkins in the original 1987 Predator had easily one of the best dialogue lines in the entire film, hell in the entire film series when he joked with Sonny Lamhand about the “echo” of his girlfriends deep/big pussy.hqdefaultSince then he has mostly appeared in films in minor roles but has instead made a very successful career as a hollywood writer and director, scripting such 1980s classics as Leathal Weapon one and two, The Monster Squad, an more recently as writer and director of Iron Man 3 and is now looking to return to the Predator franchise as writer and director of the upcoming film "The Predator" which is scheduled for a 2018 release.  Black has said in recent reviews that he plans for the new Predator film to be a "big event"  movie, similar to Iron Man 3 and hoping to breath new energy and life into the lagging franchise.

According to Black, 20th Century Fox convinced him to take charge of the Predator franchise movie forward, even though he freely admitted to not having been overly impressed with certain previous installments in the series (the Alien vs. Predator movies, in particular):

They called me and I was reluctant. I said, “Look. You guys at Fox, I mean, I enjoy these movies, but we’ve been churning out these AVP whatever, they each cost a certain amount of money, they’re okay, but there’s no effort to elevate them or make them any kind of an event.” They’re just sort of another Predator. “Oh, there’s another one that came out.” They said, “What if we said to you we want to reinvent this, and really treat it with as much of an event status, or as much hoopla as we would the Alien prequel, which is coming out also? We really want to make this something. The kind of movie that people line up for.” I said, “Really, you’ll spend a bunch of money?” They go, “Yep.” I go, “Make it really scale, spectacle?” “Yep.” “S***, that sounds interesting.”

I think the first one was great, and it was contained, and it was a perfect little gem for what it was. I think there’s an expansion that needs to take place, and also just a love for that era, that movie, and the mythology of the Predator. I think that they came to me knowing pretty much that… they said, basically, if I wanted to make Predator but treat it like it was Iron Man III instead of just another little movie. I said, “Let’s really do it right this time.”

Johnny Depp to star in remake of the Invisible Man for Universal

The-Invisible-Man-Johnny-DeppUniversal Studios has decided to revive its own Shared Monster Movie Universe for a new generation of fans.

The first title on the list is The Mummy, with Tom Cruise on board as lead. That film is set for a 2017 release, and is set to be directed by Alex Kurtzman and written by Prometheus writer Jon Spaihts. But Cruise won’t have to wait long before he is joined by another superstar in this revival of the Monster Movie Universe, as Johnny Depp has recently been cast in the remake of the H.G Wells classic, The Invisible Man.

Bryan Fuller confirmed as showrunner for new upcoming star trek tv series on CBS

star-trek-tv-show-2017-bryan-fullerCBS has confirmed that Fuller will serve as showrunner on the new Star Trek series, while Kurtzman has praised Fuller’s “encyclopedic” knowledge of the Star Trek property in a statement – saying it is “surpassed only by his love for Gene Roddenberry’s optimistic future, a vision that continues to guide us as we explore strange new worlds.” Here is the official statement from Fuller, regarding the news:

Captain America 3 update inside

Captain-America-Civil-War-Iron-Man-vs-Steve-Rogers (1)While speaking to Empire, Anthony Mackie – who plays Steve’s friend Sam Wilson a.k.a. The Falcon – explained the film’s genre inspiration, “I would say this one is more of a true suspense thriller.” The Civil War actor further spoke about how the film will balance its massive cast and action fight sequences with a grounded and believable storyline:

Dr strange villain details emerge

doctor-strange-cumberbatch-magic-powersI will admit proudly that the upcoming Marvel film “Dr. Strange”  is one of my most anticipated of the Marvel Cinematic Universe currently schedule, only behind, obviously Infinity War 1 &2.  Doctor Strange is the second film slated for release in Marvel’s Phase 3.

Ben gives details on Batman's mindset, Batman vs Superman details...

batman-v-superman-images-ben-affleckIn the case of Ben Affleck’s return to superhero form as Batman in the upcoming Batman vs Superman,  Affleck shed some light during this past weekend’s NBA All-Star game pre-show on exactly where his version of Batman finds the character (h/t Comic Book):

Kindergarden Cop 2 trailer now online starring Dolph Lundgren (no, really)

The film is  directed by actor/writer/director Don Michael Paul, the onetime star of Robot Wars who previously directed mostly horror films (?) such as Half Past Dead, Lake Placid: The Final Chapter, and Tremors 5. Along with Kindergarten Cop 2,Lundgen is currently scheduled to appear in Larceny and Don’t Kill It in 2016, and also scheduled to return for The Expendables 4 in an unknown capacity in 2017.

Kindergarten Cop 2 is set for release on May 17th, 2016.

the Ring 3 scheduled for October

ring-3-rings-movie-release-date-2016I love horror movies, especially those which revolve around malevolent supernatural ghost characters.  I loved the Ring, and while the sequel was a bit underwhelming and stretched the boundaries of the vengeful Samara it still had its moments.  But i will confess I actually liked the short film Rings which unfortunately was only made available as an extra included with the re-release of the original american remake DVD.  Only 14 minutes long it is a masterpiece of strategic minimalist film making.

Stephen King’s the Stand movie “on hold”

MV5BMTI3MDYzMDczOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDI2MDU1MQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_The history of the long twisted history of the attempts of numerous false starts in adapting one of Stephen King’s the Stand, one of his largest books has been almost long and difficult as the book itself . The list of directors took on and then departed the project, is a numberous the most recent being Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) who stepped up to the helm in February 2014. At the time, Boone planned to make a three hour, R-rated movie with an A-list cast. This gradually evolved; becoming four movies, then a TV series with a movie finale. At the start of February, 2016, Warner Bros. Pictures’ option on The Stand rights expired, and so now it rests back at CBS Films, which must decide whether to make the movie with another studio… or fund it alone.According to producer Roy Lee, while The Stand movie still in the works, the creative team behind the project are once again looking at how best to tackle the adaptation. Speaking to Collider at DICE 2016, Lee confirmed recent reports that Boone will work on another King adaptation, Revival, first, before making any decisions on the future of The Stand.

Jeremy Renner to star in Hawkeye Netflix series or a solo movie…?

Jeremy-Renner-as-Hawkeye-in-Avengers-Age-of-UltronNetflix already includes a number of superhero Marvel series including Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. So what is next?

During a Q&A at Silicon Valley Comic Con, Jeremy Renner, a.k.a. Hawkeye, was asked if he would be interested in making the transition to television and star in a series on Netflix in the style of fellow superhero Daredevil. Renner explained it would be an ideal way to further explore the character, but  that no decision had been made and there currently was no plans that he was aware of…saying:

Deadpool sequel already in the works! details inside…

Cable_headDeadpool director Tim Miller, recently gave some insights into his ideals for Deadpool 2 which has apparently already been greenlit to begin production. Speaking at the Silicon Valley Comic Con with Comic, Miller gave his concepts for including the comic book hero Cable in the sequel saying,

“I don’t think bigger is better. You tell a story that’s organic to the character. Deadpool’s world doesn’t mean you have to go bigger. I don’t think the fans of the movie like it because we had big effects. It had a lot of heart…a lot of humor [and] a main character that’s different than anything else that was out there. [Going bigger] wouldn’t be honest to who he is and why people like him.”deadpool-cable-creator-rob-liefeld-talks-fox-s-mutant-marvel-movie-future-deadpool-a-429081Yeah, you listen to it, (fan debates) but it’s like if you’re a Republican or a Democrat. If you have an idea of what you want government to be, then that’s kind of what you hear — to support your own ideas. I have an idea of what Cable should be from reading the comics. So, someone in Des Moines, Iowa, may have a different idea of Cable from reading the comics. I may not like his idea. I might read it, but I may not do it. I would say I listen to all of them, but I don’t look to that to guide me. I look to the comic and why people like these characters.”
Deadpool is now in theaters; X-Men: Apocalypse will open in U.S. theaters on May 27th, 2016, followed by Wolverine 3 on March 3rd, 2017 and unannounced X-Men films on October 6th, 2017 (possibly Gambit), January 12th, 2018 (possibly Deadpool 2), and July 13th, 2018. The New Mutants is also in development.

Superman vs Batman originally planned to included the Joker and Riddler ?

batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice-done-filming-570x294Director Zack Snyder revealed in a recent interview  with  Collider, made the surprise announcement that at one time both he and screenwriter Chris Terrio spent a considerable amount of time discussing the ideals regarding adding more classic villains to the already large ensemble cast of characters in the upcoming blockbuster Superman vs Batman….

Stephen King’s IT to begin production soon? Two films still planned, details inside…

it dont you want itMany readers of Stephen Kings massive series of writings consider The Dark Tower to be his Magnum Opus, his greatest achievement, and I tried to get into the book series but stopped only a short way into the drawing of the three (book 2)  I just could not get it, others consider the Stand as his greatest achievement assumably as it is (was) his biggest book as far as pages, until Under the Dome was published, me, personally I personally feel that his greatest novel was and will always be IT (with Misery, following by a razor thin margin, only due to the different in scope and page numbers)

As a novel, It frightened a generation of eager readers and later went on to up the ante and fully terrify that same generation when ABC’s 1990 mini-series of the same name hit television screens (starring Tim Curry as Pennywise).it-stephen-king-movie

A Star Wars Avengers crossover… ? Stan Lee admits….

star-wars-avengers-crossover-700x300As much as he has accomplished in his 93 years as a superhero godfather, Stan Lee loves to talk about things that he has literally no involvement in whatsoever. Even though he co-created a massive amount of the greatest icons of Marvel’s superheroes, and was once even the chairman of Marvel Entertainment and even more, once as chairman, actually had the opportunity to BUY DC COMICS now he’s more of a mascot, a figurehead, Marvel’s own version of  Mickey Mouse. Thankfully, Lee’s chatter tends to be entertaining, especially when he says crazy things about Disney merging the Avengers and Star Wars franchises to create some kind of uber-blockbuster.

What went wrong with the latest Fantastic Four film? Miles Teller (Reed Richards) gives his thoughts…

fantastic-four-2015-kinberg-criticismSpeaking on the happysadconfused podcast, Teller explained that the problem basically came down to a bad script. Teller’s comments suggest he might not have been happy with the script when he signed on, but felt the opportunity and potential of the film was such that it was difficult to pass up. Constant changes to the script made things worse instead of better, resulting in the film that eventually hit the screen.

Another 300 sequel in the works? well… not exactly, details inside

Gerard Butler 300peaking at the press junket for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, director Zack Snyder was asked whether there could be more 300 sequels at some point. He revealed that there have been discussions about it, though the setting may move away from ancient Greece.

Snyder recently mentioned he wanting to make a 300-style film about George Washington during the Revolutionary War. This apparently isn’t the only 300-like movie that’s been considered, either. When asked whether he thought there would be another 300 film, he responded

Infinity War films directors give more details

Infinity_Gauntlet_1That’s according to Joe Russo who along with his co-director and brother Anthony spoke with Forbes about what they’re currently up to at Marvel. What he said was nothing short of mind blowing!