First, Friday the 13th, which is set to be released on May 13th, 2016 had already been rebooted back in 2009 and even though it made $90 million dollars against a $19 million dollar budget, surprisingly New Line Cinema never made a sequel and the rights had since returned to Paramount, which originated the franchise.  And even though Jason is not my favorite slasher fiend (I am a Michael Myers and Pinhead guy) I did find the new perspective on Jason watchable.  If only because they were smart enough to reinvent Jason’s Modus Operandi (his motivations and personality) from retarted mentally challenged backwards mindless hick into an emotionally and psychologically damaged and isolated character, who was smart enough to create a sophisticated series of underground tunnels as a safe haven which even included electric lights and power and simply wanted to be left alone, his murderous rampage had more to do with protecting himself and his homestead than mindless revenge spree killings.