Nicolas Cage talks Superman Lives Documentary

nicolas_cage_as_superman_by_brandtk-d66a2eoThough Tim Burton’s take on the Man of Steel never made it to production, a new supermn lives documentaryThe Death of ‘Superman Lives’: What Happened? reveals test footage of Cage in Burton’s version of the beloved costume. In an interview with Yahoo! Movies (about his upcoming starring role in The Runner), Cage offer his own thoughts on Burton’s canceled vision for the iconic DC Comics superhero Kal-El:
The only thing I’ll say about that — because that is such a lighting rod hot topic and if I say anything at all it just seems to snowball — but I will say that I had great belief in that movie and in what Tim Burton’s vision was going to be for that movie. I would’ve loved to have seen it, but I feel that in many ways, it was sort of a win/win because of the power of the imagination. I think people can actually see the movie in their minds now and imagine it and in many ways that might resonate more deeply than the finished project.
Cage expounded a bit on that point, when his interviewer noted that a lot of fans have indeed put together their own visions of what Superman Lives might’ve looked like: