Another 300 sequel in the works? well… not exactly, details inside

Gerard Butler 300Speaking at the press junket for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, director Zack Snyder was asked whether there could be more 300 sequels at some point. He revealed that there have been discussions about it, though the setting may move away from ancient Greece.
Snyder recently mentioned he wanting to make a 300-style film about George Washington during the Revolutionary War. This apparently isn’t the only 300-like movie that’s been considered, either. When asked whether he thought there would be another 300 film, he responded:
“There may be. There may be. We’ve been talking a lot about sort of different incarnations of 300. We’ve been talking about is there a way, possibly, we move out of Ancient Greece and use it as a framing device for other conflicts that happened throughout history.
I think I mentioned that we talked about the Revolutionary War version, and we talked about the Alamo, and we’ve talked about there’s a battle in China, a “Lost Legion” kind of concept, any of those kinds of things are on the table.”
Personally the ideal of other historical battle done 300 style would greatly be determined by the actual battle and more specifically the era in which it takes place… I personally hate period films, especially colonial/revolutionary war era… but that is just me…
Source: Collider