Editor’s Rant – why did I HATE Underworld:Awakening, let me count the ways…

To start let me first admit the fact that I severely love the Underworld film franchise concept.  The mythology was well crafted and created a fun and exciting world of vampires and werewolves rivaling the 1990’s White Wolf role-playing universe. SO much in fact that White Wolf publishing sue the film director and producers for copyright infringement which after losing the case let White Wolf to end their gaming franchise.
underworld fangsmasqurade artThe first film was a innovative masterpiece in non-CGI special visual effects, the behind the scenes featurette that accompanied the 2 disc special extended edition of the first film DVD was almost as exciting and fun as the first film itself.  It (Underworld 2003) one of a select few film which had a large portion of it’s scenes which consisted specifically of practical effects and NOT CGI. The two others include Inception and Francis Ford Coppela’s Dracula 1992,
So three films later into the Underworld franchise why do I HATE “Awakening” let me count the flaws.  First let me say it felt like the producers had given the writing job of the script to four individual persons, lock each one in a room alone and them paste and cut together the wildly different plot ideals that came out.  Now for the specifics:

you had a child vampire who was suppose to be a ultra powerful hybrid, but when it came time for her to actually fight, she was too small to be affective against anyone.
You had a lycan “the biggest lycan I’ve ever seen”  according to Selene, which was in fact too big.  Every time it tried to fight, it kept getting stuck, all anyone had to do was find a small space to hide in.
the film basically has four completely unconnected storyline happening independently of each other which seemed like the editing of the film was just moving alternate scene of different plot elements blindly and with no thought of any coherent reasoning
The “psychic link” between Selene and her daughter was sooo stolen from Species 2 which I like better than this film
The whole plot of the daughter being the ultimate prize and necessary to both the protagonists and the antagonists please dont make me specify it makes my head hurt is made a rhetorical and completely unnecessary plot device at the end of the film when it is learned that the antagonists had Michael all along, which begs the question why go through all the trouble of getting back the girl when you have the patient zero hybrid in the next room?

The simple fact that the movie was completely, grossly, stupidly, unnecessary mainly because thanks to Len Wiseman there was already a great story plot already ready and waiting, that is to say the storyline of the missing episode between Rise of the Lycans and Underworld One.  Right there was a gap that needed filling, a storyline resolution that needed to be bought to final closure. All they had to do was…