Rambo 5 “Last Blood” news update

I distinctly remember seeing the trailer for Rambo (4) in theatres and remember the laughter from the audience at the sight of a 63 year old Sly Stallone ripping some guys throat out in a almost supernatural feat that seemed more in line with Michael Myers, rather than Rambo.

However I must willingly admit… I really like Rambo (4) overall, it was better than Rambo 3 both in storyline and body count action sequences.

Now Rambo 5 which was actually green lit by Millennium Films less than a year after Rambo (4)  the plot of which has changed constantly, from rescuing a girl from human traffickers and drug lords in Mexico, to Rambo hunting and killing a genetically alter beast to be loosely based on the 1999 novel Hunter

Stallone said in an interview with Vulture:

“I’m getting ready for [‘Rambo 5′]. I’m starting to work out. I’m going to be appropriately vicious and all that stuff…Rambo hopefully will be back. We’ve just got to give you guys a story that’s worthwhile…

At one point there was a rumor that Rambo was to show up as a tv series, but that has been refuted by Millenium Films and Stallone himself.  At one point Stallone mentioned Rambo 5 could be a prequel film yet more recent reports now says that Rambo 5 will, according to Stallone, be his version of “No County for Old Men”  whatever that is suppose to mean. apparently Rambo 5 sub-titled “Last Blood” is currently filming in Bulgaria, which is suppose to be doubling for John Rambo’s hometown in Arizona(?) Again according to Stallone the script is completed as of December of last year, but no confirmed details regarding the plot or release date have yet to surface.

sources: Hollywood Reporter Empire magazine comingsoon.net Vulture