Review: American Horror Story: Freak Show

The last season of American Horror Story “Freak Show”  sounded good in theory but once all was said and done, it was tepid on any of the actual “horror” aspect we have all come to know and expect from the series  except for the intro scene  at least in comparison to the previous seasons.  I personally felt that the problem with “Freak Show” was the concept itself by definition there were no “relatable characters”  only “Freaks”  viewers were unable to identify with any of the characters or the timeframe in which they lived, while the actors must be again praised for their abilities to reinvent themselves each season with distinctly new characters and completely alternative storylines and settings, and Freak Show was definitely a decisive change from its predecessors “Freak Show” just seemed too much like it’s namesake, and surprisingly was, well, kind of boring. With each new, and completely different season, the series has been like a multi-course meal at an expensive restaurant serving you course after course of exotic food, after you get use to one dish (season) you have a lingering taste of it while trying to enjoy the following course (season) and as for “Freak Show”  I never seemed able to identify much less enjoy the flavor.  With the little exception of “Ma Pitite”  (no pun intended)  she was just too cute not to like, and ironically got the most “Horror-ific”  death scene of the season.